Game Update's / Update Log
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Zander's Mugen V4.5
V2.5.0 - Update Log --------------------------------------------------
Zander Cooper (Big Update)
-Zander Cooper's Portrait has been completely Redone
-Added a new move called "The Raging Gentleman"
-Improved Sprites for Standing Animation (With help from BestGamerReview)
-Added more moves based on Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (Time Stop, Clap Counter, Ext.)
-Zander Cooper's AI Got Nerfed, He wont Spam Book Counter as much now
-Added Hyper Backgrounds to Unhappyset and Hanva-ga-da when the moves makes contact
-Completely New Walking Animation! (Based on Dio Brando's Walking Animation)
-Purple Angel Donald's Assist Effects have been imported from the original Edit
-Corndogoncorndog Donald now makes the opponent Drop Corndogs when getting hit.
-Scatman Donald's Hamburgers now turn the opponent grey for a second upon contact.
-Added 2 new intros (Falling intro and Mario Grow Intro)
-Has an intro against Burning Red (Alexander Cooper's Brother)
-Fixed Icon
;Ronald McDonald (NEW VERSION)
-More Sound Effects Where added For when he throws Hamburgers, Fries, Applebombs. Ext.
-Changed Icon
-Ronald Now Blinks During his Standing Animation
-Ronald's Hyper Portrait when doing super moves has been improved
;Colonel Sanders (NEW VERSION)
-He can now Combo Into Super Moves
-He has Faster gameplay
-Has Faster Attacks
;Guy Eating Fried Chicken
-Added a New Mode that was not in other versions, Rainbow Chicken Mode (Pals 7-12)
this new mode makes him WAY Harder to defeat. with buffed attacks and can Recover
Health over time.
-Here AI Got Nerfed a bit, Due to her also spamming Book Counter as well
-Here book counter got nerfed to be more balanced
-Nerfed The "DJ Marina" Super Move so that it can be blocked and drain more power
-Ketchup Projectile Sprites Look A Lot More Better
-Added a new assist (Inkling Girl)
;Expand Dong (Small Update)
-Added Super moves that well... fit him more.
;Pizza Roll (Small Update)
-Added a new move called "Pizza Roll Tornado" basically a tornado move.
-Fixed a glitch where his sprites become Corndog on corndog's when getting hit sometimes
;Corndog on corndog (Small Update)
-Fixed a Glitch where Corndog on corndog becomes Kung fu man when getting hit sometimes
;Peter Griffin (NEW VERSION)
-Peter Griffin has been updated from Warner's Version, to The 14th Doctor's Version
-Peter has been given more Better AI
;Homer Simpson (NEW VERSION)
-Homer Simpson has also been updated from Warner's Version, to The 14th Doctor's Version
-His Size has been reduced a bit
-Waluigi Blinks During his Standing Animation
;Beavis (Small Update)
-Beavis has an improved Standing Animation
-One of Beavis's Animations has been improved.
;Fat Albert (Small Update)
-Changed Icon
-AI Has Been Improved to be Stronger
-More Palettes Where added (Pals 7-12)
;New Stages
;A Lot more stages where added this time, these include
Stage 15: The Burning Flame
Stage 25: Bob Ross's Canvas
Stage 26: Peach's Castle
Stage 27: Luigi's Mansion
Stage 28: Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Stage 29: Cirno's Stage
Stage 30: Spark's Stage
...more will be shown here when the full game comes out.
;Stage Updates
-Waluigi's Taco stand has sunlight that appears sometimes
-Partridge Gets Lucky has been redone into a Disco Themed Stage
-Corndogoncorndog now has a diffrent floor and an Corndog's in the background
are now animated to look like they're hovering.
;Misc/Game Updates
-The Lifebar has been Givin a Redesign.
-Mugenhook has been added to make the game better, Credit goes to Ermancer.
-Burning Red Appears in the option's Screen along with a Red Glow
-Added a Credits Screen! (After Beating Arcade Move)
-Victory Screen has been changed a bit
-The EXE File to run Zander's Mugen V4.5 has went through a lot of changes
when comes to Code.
-Alexander Cooper's Sprite on the options screen has been replaced with a newly
improved sprite along with a glow effect