Zander's Mugen v4.5™

Welcome to the Official Zander's Mugen v4.5 Website!

Zander's Mugen V4.5 (V2.5.1) Is officially released!

To celebrate my Birthday, V2.5.1 is now officially released with new characters and stages! I would never been here without you guys. You all mean so much to me! Enjoy this new update! 


Zander's Mugen v4.5 is a Crossover Fighting game Made by Alexander Cooper that's powered by the M.U.G.E.N Engine made by Elecbyte, M.U.G.E.N is used to make the dream fighting game that anyone can desire, but It was originally made in the 1990's called Winmugen, Over time M.U.G.E.N became very, very popular.

Today Elecbyte ran out of business, But the M.U.G.E.N community is still alive and running.  You can download M.U.G.E.N 1.1 And 1.0 underneath the download links section

if you want to know about all the characters and stages you can click the button below

Alexander Cooper

The Creator of Zander's Mugen v4.5, Alexander Cooper is a 15 year old Teenager who really likes to Make Video Games, Make Original Music, And Is looking forward to being a Game Developer in the future, Alexander Cooper is the one Responsible for Creating The Whole Screenpack,  Makeing 7 New Playable Characters in the Roster (Includeing Corndog Of Light) And Created Most of the Stages in the game. He Also Voice acts 2 characters (Zander Cooper & Pizza Roll) And he is also is the Announcer for the game. and by the way. did you know that he made this website as well. pretty neat if you ask me. 

Download Links

                   You Can Download The Latest Version of Zander's Mugen v4.5 Here!

                                           (NOTE : You can only download this game for PC)                                                                                                   (I suggest Running This Game on Windows 7 / Windows 10 Or Higher)

                                         You can download the official soundtrack here.

 Official Youtube Channel

Just so you know, i have an Official Youtube channel, the channel is all about Zander's Mugen v4.5, were you can check out all the songs that are in the game, as well as some Versus Videos, Survival Videos, Reviews and More! You can check the channel out below.

Mugen Download Link

                                   You can download Mugen 1.1 and 1.0 Here                                                           (NOTE : You can only download M.U.G.E.N For PC) 

                                                              Elecbyte @1999-2013

@Zander's Mugen V4.5 2019. All rights for M.U.G.E.N Belong to @Elecbyte 1999-2013 
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